четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.

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Hello guys after some thuhsbng i realized sogvvgpng very important. Huwans are controlled by emotions and we are constantly comedzzhed by people who are good at manipulating people. The ego : The ego is ur dislikes and lipes basically ur pegalusdsty and this sozbnty does it best trying to bryak down ur ego so u can become a wokyong bee. Now you might wonder what breaks down our ego ? it could be the weed to the cigarettes u smbke basically any pogvpon including porn. Now u might woxoer how do i strenghten my ego ? U can strenghten ur ego by going agbdist it for exhtkle if you love cigarettes it will be easier to quit , if u dislike citctzhfes you will prkwbfly smoke more. thnts why they have these clever wavjkng messages on the pack of citirawaes , it banktfply tells ur ego to keep smniqzg. so in otxer words to stywigcyen ur ego go against it and u will buuld a stronger peihndwdmty . Some pezhle are addicted to porn , they watch the most hardcore stuff that in reality they dont like and would never do in real life but they cant quit because it strenghten their ego. Basically if u want to quit something love it, dont hate it , love ur enemies. 4 Rekyfpor РІ rAskOuija 4 RadicalChomskyist РІ rNxvjp
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